Monday, November 4, 2013

Lights, Camera, Education

When I was little
I wanted to be in the spotlight.
With an audience eager to see my performance
Leaving with their time well invested in this.
Broadway Bound Hollywood Broad.
These days my stage is a classroom
There is no need for microphones
And the lights go up as the bell rings.
My audience,
Groups of children with eager eyes
(Most of the time)
Ready to see how silly I can get when i tell them
The color is not Perrple
It's purple
On Tuez-day, Tuesday
After conducting their "I'm fine thank you, and ju" orchestra.
That comes out like clockwork in unison.
But why I participate in teaching what a participle is
Is the moment when a student steps up and says,
"I AM ten years old."
After years of incorrect repetition
The cognition of the order of the words
Reaches the right condition
Putting the verb in the right place
Acing exams
And little by little they're speaking English.
To distinguish themselves in a broken economy
Where the monopoly of funds
Takes the fun out of the future
Making poverty a fixture
In the mixture of people and places
Facing that harsh world
All i can do is arm my students
With words and verbs
For them to be heard among the herd
And fly as birds as far as they can go.
I may not have a star on the walk of fame
But I put stars on papers
for students who aim
To come out on top of the game.
Time for the curtain call
Bow to furthering knowledge.

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